Monday, January 28, 2008

WEEK TWO/ Motherhood

I think this week I have realized and appreciated more my gift of motherhood. I've had some reflection time on the person that I am now and the person I was before my beautiful baby boy came into my life! I don't think that I was ever a bad person, but my perspective on life in many ways has changed. Motherhood is just a spectacular thing! Everything about it is amazing in my eyes. I look at Gage and I am baffled at the thought that I had a part in bringing him to this earth! He is so little now, but his impact on this world will only grow with him! During Christmas, anytime I would hear the song "Mary Did You Know", it honestly brought tears to my eyes! I don't have a clue what Gage has in store for him, but I know that he is capable of anything and I just pray that he will grow to know that too!

I use to be the kind of person that would rarely leave the house without my hair fixed or something somewhat nice on. And if I didn't think my house looked perfect, nobody could come over! Don't get me wrong, I still would PREFER for those things to be true today but I have realized that those are some of the things in life that aren't really that important. I can put the laundry or the scrubbing aside and spend some time with Gage and that is really what counts! I can never take back the time that I have with him TODAY and that makes me want to make the most of every day with him! I am so blessed to be able to be home with him almost 24/7! I love it! There is nothing I would rather do!

I could fulfill all of my life's dreams and then some and I am positive that nothing I could do would ever be as fulfilling as being a mother and watching my children grow up! I am so grateful that God saw fit to send me such a wonderful little boy (and another little bundle on the way)! Our children can come to us in so many different ways and I believe they are all just as special! I will never be the same person I was. I never truely knew what joy was or what it meant to "swell with pride"! And on the other hand I never understood what it meant to be concerned for or to hurt for such a tiny person. I think possibly my heart grew a whole size! I will forever be honored to be a mother and a caretaker of my Heavenly Fathers children! What a huge responsibility and blessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll say it again, like I always do, You are such a hottie!!! I don't think we are ever the same after we have our little ones-I guess that's why we were commanded to multiply and replenish the earth. Heavenly Father knew the effect they would have on us:)