Monday, April 6, 2009


oh where oh where have i been?

i anticipated for this week to be a busy one. but last week was a surprise. it took me by storm. i feel accomplished however in it all. this week we face doctors appointments, a meeting with the school, Easter potlucks and garden preparations. and hopefully a visit from our dear friends toni and grant!

toni is one of my best friends. grant is her adorable two year old son, and not to brag or anything, but my godson! {unofficially} they're going to be making their merry way to arizona soon and we are so excited!

did i tell you how gage rode a real horse for the first time on saturday? i make no exaggerations, the kid is a natural. in fact i sense horses in our future. in some form or other that is. this particular horse's name was doc. gage has talked about him a lot since then. i think we will have to pay him a visit soon. with apple biscuits in hand.
i am so proud of my gagers.
he is growing up so fast.


Mary said...

Oooh, I'm so jealous! My kids and I went horseback riding TWICE on our vacation last summer and it was sooo fun! I loved horses wildly when I was young. I wanted my own until I saw my cousins muck out the stables of their horses. Then I decided renting was fine...

Kati said...

Ahh! I am jealous. I cannot wait to take my baby horseback riding for the 1st time!

Jerry and Charlsye Miller said...

Too cute. I bet he had fun. What gets me the most is that you call him "Gagers" too. Jerry laughs at me for it..oh well I think it is a cute nick name.

Jane In The Jungle said...

All that practice on the saddle in his room, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

How fun! He looks so small up on that big horse!

Lizzie said...

too cute! i need to get my kids up on a horse some time. we've never done that. welcome back!

{nicole coombs} said...

Oh Cory would be so jelous he loves horses!! The first time he was ever on one he LOVED it too and it was a pain to get him off. cant believe Gage is a going to preschool. I just cant see Cory being there yet.