Friday, April 10, 2009

{of course}

so it really hurts to think that i'm about to take scissors to it.

of course.


Mary said...

Wow, the 'do really makes him look like Gage!

mrs_jpyatt said...

That had to be one of my favorite of you posts! Mostly cause Im stairing the same thing righ dead in the eye! How do you cut it without him wiggling and being crazy?

Fullerton Family said...

He is too cute!! I love the new hair cut!

C said...

Oh my gosh how adorable is he! It does make them look older once they get a haircut :(

Cara said...

So cute, your boys are precious!!

Taralee said...

love the cute new due. he is such a handsome little man. trace won't let me touch brody's...he's afraid it won't grow back red. someday i'll give it a nice chop.
(i secretly take bits and peices off here and there!...shhhh. don't tell)