hazel jayne is back in business. so please stop by and take a gander.
i'd also love to start doing more custom orders so if you have something in mind email me at ashley.broomall{at}yahoo.com. the holidays are a great time to get creative!
why not go handmade this year? handmade gifts are unique and special. it's a great tradition to start.
and here's a giveaway just for you. because that's the way we do at our nest.
just leave a comment telling about the best homemade gift you've ever received. (i need ideas!)
i will be drawing a winner on monday evening so stay tuned.
xoxo. ash
My favorite Homemade present (although probably not what you are thinking) was when My husband (then bf) made me a dvd of all ourpictures together and with our music and then a love note at the end. Sweet. sImple. Still made me cry!
Pick me!
That one has always been my fav! LOVE it!
My husband and I were first dating and spending our first Valentines day together. He made me a ring out of horse shoe nails and told me the story of the pioneers. How they used horse shoe nails to propose to their loves because there where no jewelers around. hehe. Maybe not what you had in mind, but you can get creative with it. Have fun and I hope your business does great!!
My sil made homemade baby dolls, and baby snuggies and gave them to my kids.
It wasn't a gift but part of wrapping. My Grandma Bracke had cross stitched a card and put it on top my one of my presents. I don't know why but I LOVED IT! I couldn't tell you what was in the box but I can tell you I STILL have the card. It has to be at least 15 years old!
Yah Im happy your shop is open again! My favorite handmade gift was a mirror one of my sorority sisters gave me, its a white framed 4X6 frame and it has a mirror in the middle and with foam stamps she stamped fabulous on the top..and in handwriting it says my you look...so it says my you look fabulous!! I love it! I can totally send you a picture of it if you want!
I would love to win this blanket for my best friend who just had a baby girl 12 days ago!!
My favorite homemade gift was actually from my teenage (at the time) brother who gave each of us siblings a "redneck rose" made from the spark plug of a car (you have to know my brothers and cars)! He put them in these cute little vintage vases from DI and constructed the rest himself. I'm still impressed that he did all that for his 4 sisters! Sigh.
Oh yes - I'm LOVING that quilt! Darling!
Gotta love when you are logged in as your husband! The Scott comment is actually me, Lis!
When I was about 5, my favorite doll turned up missing! My heart was broken... only to be mended on Christmas morning the instant I saw my doll, in a beautiful wedding dress, along with 2 more outfits sitting near by. My mom 'stole' my favorite doll so she could make clothes for her... I still have the doll... Momma has since moved on....
Your store is super SUPER cute! LOVE it!!!! Best home made gift I ever received was when my Nana cross stitched me a baby blanket for me to have when I had children....she wasn't sure she'd be around to see that day....lucky us she is and is still making quilts....
My favorite was a Christmas present from a friend! It was a cubic tile (like the bath room tiles....I can send a picture if you want) but they drilled a small hole in the side and stuffed it with colored Christmas lights and wrapped it in a pretty ribbon with a beautiful bow on top! You plug it in the wall and it sat on my side table during Christmas!
My favorite homemade presents would definantly be the homemade quilt my grandma gave me when i turned 1. Its about 20 years old but still beautiful! I also just recieved the cutest baby boy booties from one of my friends when i had my son. I love them and he wears them all the time!
I absolutely love your quilts...i just found your blog and im so excited to check out your stuff! I hope i win!!!
Were you working at LTH when Marie made us the wreaths for Christmas? She put so much thought into them and they were so beautiful. She also searched and searched to find purple ornaments to put on it... because it was my favorite color... and believe me, it's not easy finding purple bulbs in Taylor!!! :)
My favorite was a homemade quilt my grandma made!! Love love love your quilts..... so cute!! You do a great job!!! By the way I have Iron on vinyl....I'm sure you could do something so cute and creative with!!!
My favorite homemade present's a quilt my grandma made for me, she isn't able to do it anymore, so it's my little treasure, she's 100 years and few months more!, I love it!, btw, I love your quilts, please count me in!
My favorite homemade present is a quilt made by my great grandmother and gifted to me by my grandmother.
Thanks for this sweet giveaway!
The very BEST gift I have ever received was a hat that my grandmother knit for me. The yarn was a creamy natural wool, and it was knit up with beautiful cables and bobbles. I can really feel the love that she has for me whenever I wear it. She was the one who taught me to knit, so I feel an extra special connection to that hat.
That is just so pretty!
OOps forgot the rest of it, the best handmade gift I ever received was a hand crocheted vest from my grandmother. That style was all the rage that year and my grandmom made one for each of her granddaughters.
OOps forgot the rest of it, the best handmade gift I ever received was a hand crocheted vest from my grandmother. That style was all the rage that year and my grandmom made one for each of her granddaughters.
My favorite homemade gifts are from little kids. They really want to do something for you and so you get some of the most interesting things; pictures(drawn by hand), although lately I've been getting gawdy jewelry!! It makes me smile and I feel loved:)
My favorite homemade gift was a scrapbook that my mother gave me for my birthday. It had many pictures from my childhood and she added little comments. I knew that she put a lot of time into it and I cried my eyes out whenever I opened it.
My favorite handmade gift is a bank made out of popsicle sticks and plexiglass. It is shaped like a gazebo and painted white. It was made by a square dance friend who has passed on now. I have it sitting on my chest of drawers in my bedroom.
You really do have a great gift at doing what you do. your work is amazing. Homemade gifts are always my favorite my grandma has made me some quilts and also she made an apron for my boys and everytime they wear it i'm reminded of her.
My favorite homemade gift was a sweater my grandmother made me back when I was in college. She was definately an over achiever, knitting sweaters for all 15 of her grandkids that christmas.
It was wool, natural colors, soft and warm. I could wear when I was out shoveling snow or walking and it kept me nicely warm.
I had that sweater until my ex washed it in the machine and shrunk it down to a big matted blob, that's one resaon he's my ex!
Love the quilt, so sweet, can't believe you would give it away!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Best homemade gift...gol, I don't know if I have ever had one. I guess I got some pretty cute quilts that were homemade for my wedding! You're boutique turned out adorable by the way. I wish I could have been there!
The best homemade gift I ever received was a dollhouse. Although I thought Santa made it. But my Granny gave it away during the next year when she slipped up and made a comment about the dollhouse being handmade...but not by Santa. Oops! But I loved that dollhouse either way!
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