Sunday, March 21, 2010

a lovely message

the husband is away again. the boys and i will be leaving in the morning too. we're going to find the sunshine and visit some animals at the zoo. maybe squeeze in some shopping. and then it's home to finish spring cleaning. that's what spring break is for right?

i came across this lovely short video and thought i would share it. it really boosted my spirits today. truly beautiful.

watch it here

happy spring break!


Camron and Lonna Connolly said...

your house is so cute! can you come decorate mine?? and would you be interested in joining our bunco group? we are having it at my house on the 1st of April if you want to come!! Lonna

Mandi said...

That was beautiful. I watched it and I couldn't keep back tears. I am so grateful for the gospel. I am happy that it made your day better. I am so sorry that your husband is gone so much these days. I wish that I lived close so that I could spend more time with you. You are such an amazing person that I wish I knew so much better. I hope that we can keep in touch and I hope you know that I think about you often. Have a fun day at the zoo and all of the other fun things you have planned. What a great mom. Your boys are truly lucky little men to have you.