Wednesday, September 17, 2014

This Blog is Hereby Back in Business

I am so ready for Fall!  If there is anything I have learned about myself while living in East Texas it is that I will never stop being a cold, dry air loving, mountain girl.  I don't know what it is about me, but I seem to wake up every year right about the time the air becomes crisp and the leaves start falling.  My kitchen either loves it or hates it, depending on its stance on flour covered counter tops and tiny helping hand prints everywhere.

This Fall I have made the determination to get back to the things that I love.  Blogging is one of those things!  Yay!  I haven't kept up our blog for quite some time which was actually in many ways, very enjoyable.  It was nice to enjoy our special moments and family celebrations with no thought at all of how and when I was going to blog about it.  I didn't stress over pictures, which was kind of a double-edged sword of sorts.  Without my camera in hand I was able to really get in and be involved with my children but I do find myself wishing that I had more photos to keep for them to look back on.  My goal now is to find and keep a balance because I do love writing and having a place to go back and look at those moments in our life.  To me our history on this blog is priceless.

I have a whole list that I don't think I need to bore anyone with but I'm sure you'll be seeing bits and pieces of those things if you follow us around over here.  I leave you now with my adorable two-year-old and her brownie making mess.

Happy Hump Day!


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