My morning started at 1:00 a.m. and took a little pause from 3-6:00 while I slept and then took off like a freight train again! I got in some playing time with Gage, bathed him, finished the cakes for the bridal shower, blew up oodles of balloons for a game we were going to play, made the fruit dips, wrapped gifts, gathered up all the goods that I would need to take for the shower, stopped by the flower shop to pick up flowers and balloons and got over to my mother-in-laws around 10:00 to do some setting up. The shower ended up being lots of fun! There was quite a crowd, which always makes for a good time! I had fun getting ready for it, but would be lying if I didn't say I was relieved that it is done!
April 19th is also a double birthday in my family! My little sister Elsie turned 14! I can't believe it! I feel like everyone is growing up and I'm just still the same 18 year old that just graduated. Isn't that rediculous?! I've been married for 3 years, have a little boy who's nearly 2 and one on the way! Obviously I know I've changed a lot...but I guess sometimes I don't feel like everything has sunk in! Elsie was 11 when I got married and tomboy as could be...and she is growing up into such a pretty young woman! Happy Birthday Elsie Lou Hou!
The second birthday is my niece Rhionna's. That was a hard one for a lot of the family. Yesterday she would have been celebrating her 1st birthday! I couldn't keep her out of my mind all day. Things like this are hard because as much as I miss her, I really am happy for her! What a huge blessing to her not to have to deal with the worldly things we all get wrapped up in! And though I wish that Alisha and Justin could have had more time with her and got to see her grow up, I just have to realize that that was not the plan that Heavenly Father had for her life. And I feel so confident that they will get to be with her again in much better circumstances! Most of the family was able to go to her gravesite and take flowers and balloons which was really important to Alisha and Justin. Happy Birthday Rhionna! We love you and miss you!

We went over to my parent's house for Elsie's birthday stuff and right when we got there my mom asked if me and Monica wanted to go with Amber to look for a prom dress. Yeah, so prom was going to be that like 3 1/2 hours! ha ha But of course who could resist going and looking at pretty dresses? So us girls headed out and Amber was able to get a GORGEOUS dress that fit her perfectly! I was a little worried what with it being last minute, plus the place wasn't even really open. My mom just happens to know the owners and when she called her she told her she had just drove up and would be there for a little while! So really Amber had a lot of luck! Monica and I helped her get her hair and make-up done and once she was all done up she was looking BEAUTIFUL! As should be expected! I was so glad that she ended up going! It was her senior prom after all! It was her, my brothers Micah and Marcus, and Alisha's little sister Alyssa that ended up going together! I thought it was so fun of them to do that!

After all the excitement, Gage was crashed out and we left for Safeway and then home! It was a fun filled day but it was nice to get home and crash out in my bed!
You did an awesome job on Monica's shower, of course! Your cakes were so cute, you are one talented lady! My goal is to be like you when I grow up, ha ha! (but what else is new?!)
The shower is so cute I wish I could have been there Monica is soo dang cute all pregnant love it! Is she getting so excited! I love baby showers. You did sucha good job like always with all the party stuff I loved the cake good job missy! Well i am glad your busy day is over now you can rest haha.
What a busy lady you are! You are such a SUPER mom! Great job on the baby shower it looked so cute! Keep blogging I love to see whats going on in your world!
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