Thursday, May 29, 2008


One of Gage's gifts this Christmas from his Grandma and Grandpa Butler was the game "Let's Go Fishing". You know...with the brightly colored plastic fish, plastic fishing poles, and constant "snap, snap" noise! Well I haven't pulled it out for him in a while and last night in a desperate attempt to keep him entertained while I made dinner, I went to our much too neglected game closet and pulled it out. Wow! I got a little better results than I bargained for. I am absolutely not exaggerating when I say he played that game for AT LEAST 2 hours! Matt and I took turns playing with him and even when we were exhausted from it, he played and played! Finally around 9:30 I told him that the "poosh" (as he calls fish) needed to go to bed. So I turned it off and put it away...Gage had an absolute fit! Once he got over it, he was asleep within 10 minutes! I just left the box out and went to bed. Well last night was a monumental occasion for the newly inducted "big boy"...he slept ALL night! Not one trip to mom and dad's bedroom! As this uninterrupted sleep was much also came with it's the fact that our day kicked off bright and early at 5:30! But back to the story....Gage walks into our bedroom at 5:30 saying "Poosh, Poosh!" So I get out of bed, he takes me to the box and so begins another fun-filled day of "Poosh!" He is still sitting on my bed playing it...nearly 2 hours later! It just cracks me up that something so simple could be SO MUCH FUN for my little boy! So thank you Grandma and Grandpa! We may not see you for a few days though because Gage is a very busy boy now!


Anonymous said...

That is a pretty funny story, but I don't blame him -- it is a really entertaining game!

Anonymous said...

Aw...that is so cute! I can't believe Gage is almost 2! I wish I could find something to entertain Grant like that! He does get a pretty good kick out of eating dog food but I just don't know how his doctor would feel if he knew how much of it the kid actually ate! Miss you lots!

Anonymous said...

I loved that game as a kid! I understand why he likes it so much. However I don't think I could sit for hours and play it now!

Anonymous said...

Don't you love secret pleasures like that. My girls big things right now are the remote, the spoons, washrags, and the caps from their bottles, oh and we musn't forget the teething tablets bottle. They don't care about the rattling inside they just love the bottle. So we save certain things for church. But my two year old neice loves that game too. We may have to make that a christmas present next year.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess I need to get me one of those. Whens that baby coming?