Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Lovin'

OH the joys of being a little boy! Running around barefoot in the grass, chasing grasshoppers and relaxing under a tree.
What could make for a better day?


Anonymous said...

Oh and my vote is Garrett!!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest little boy ever you have there. It took me awhile to catch up on all your posts you've been busy while I've been busy. And on the pregnancy note. I feel ya! At my 35 week check up I was slightly dialated and like 50% effaced. So I was expecting things to get going. And with twins this is a perfectly acceptable time to have them. Well the next TWO appointments NOTHING. I was crushed especially since I had been expecting to deliver at 36 weeks. So hence the induction at 38 weeks, which I totally loved because I was all ready and only was in actual painful labor for 3 hours till I got the Blessed Epidural.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to let you know that I stop by your page quite frequently. You have the cutest little guy and I love the way you write and tell stories. I also really like your new blog page, it is way cute. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and let you know I stop in from time to time.
Addie Seaman Gaylord