WOW! The past 2 weeks have flown by in a gigantic blur! I'm exhausted in every sense of the word...frazzled beyond any frazzling I have ever experienced...and yet I could NOT be happier! I've been changing diapers constantly and juggling between feeding Garrett and feeding Gage and fitting in some playing time for the wound up two year old boy and somewhere in there getting us all cleaned up so we don't stink! Our nights have been steadily improving! Thank goodness for a baby who wakes up only ONCE a night! He is such a content little guy! Gage was actually keeping me up more than Garrett but I'm happy to say that the past few nights he has slept all through the night! Yay! And you know, I haven't actually cooked a dinner since before Garrett was born! I'll have to come up with something good once I finally hit the kitchen again! I'm so thankful for all the help I've had! Matt has really stepped up his game this time around! He's made dinner, cleaned, taken Gage out with him, given me an AWESOME back massage and accompanied me to doctors appointments! Thank you babe!!! I'm loving being with these 2 little boys all day! Gage absolutely is crazy about Garrett! I think he gives him an average of 30 kisses a day! He runs for the pacifier when he hears him cry! He gives him an extra little push in his swing when he thinks it's going too slow! (which mom is kindly trying to stop) He wipes away his milk mustache when he's done eating and brings him extra blankets when he's snoozing in the bassinet! Last night while I was cleaning up dinner he really surprised me! Garrett was sleeping in his crib and I THOUGHT Gage was playing in his bedroom...well I walked down the hall and lo and behold, Gage had climbed his cute little hiney into the crib (not a small task) and was sitting in there rubbing Garrett's head and "singing" to him! It was precious! I'm going to have to keep that door locked from now on when Garrett's snoozing though! I just love being their mommy! It will be so fun for them to grow up so close together! For the most part Gage has really adjusted well. There are a few episodes that I'm pretty sure are due to him not having ALL the attention on him, but those are becoming less frequent...yay!
Monday, July 14, 2008
WOW! The past 2 weeks have flown by in a gigantic blur! I'm exhausted in every sense of the word...frazzled beyond any frazzling I have ever experienced...and yet I could NOT be happier! I've been changing diapers constantly and juggling between feeding Garrett and feeding Gage and fitting in some playing time for the wound up two year old boy and somewhere in there getting us all cleaned up so we don't stink! Our nights have been steadily improving! Thank goodness for a baby who wakes up only ONCE a night! He is such a content little guy! Gage was actually keeping me up more than Garrett but I'm happy to say that the past few nights he has slept all through the night! Yay! And you know, I haven't actually cooked a dinner since before Garrett was born! I'll have to come up with something good once I finally hit the kitchen again! I'm so thankful for all the help I've had! Matt has really stepped up his game this time around! He's made dinner, cleaned, taken Gage out with him, given me an AWESOME back massage and accompanied me to doctors appointments! Thank you babe!!! I'm loving being with these 2 little boys all day! Gage absolutely is crazy about Garrett! I think he gives him an average of 30 kisses a day! He runs for the pacifier when he hears him cry! He gives him an extra little push in his swing when he thinks it's going too slow! (which mom is kindly trying to stop) He wipes away his milk mustache when he's done eating and brings him extra blankets when he's snoozing in the bassinet! Last night while I was cleaning up dinner he really surprised me! Garrett was sleeping in his crib and I THOUGHT Gage was playing in his bedroom...well I walked down the hall and lo and behold, Gage had climbed his cute little hiney into the crib (not a small task) and was sitting in there rubbing Garrett's head and "singing" to him! It was precious! I'm going to have to keep that door locked from now on when Garrett's snoozing though! I just love being their mommy! It will be so fun for them to grow up so close together! For the most part Gage has really adjusted well. There are a few episodes that I'm pretty sure are due to him not having ALL the attention on him, but those are becoming less frequent...yay!
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~Oh these pictures are soo sweet. How much fun you must be having! I can only imagine!
~I have a sickness or a passionate addiction I cant quite figure out which one sounds worse?? I have already read Twilight and New Moon!Am I crazy?? After I finally stop ignoring my chores at home this afternoon I intend to start my sight on finishing Eclipse!
haha it does sound like a sickness...
take care~
Oh Ashley, your boys are just too adorable!! Gage is such a good older brother, I love that he was singing to him! How sweet is that?! (isn't it funny how husbands get better with each kid?? Thank goodness!) Love ya!
How sweet! I am really impressed you could post such a well written post, I LITERALLY could not put ONE full sentence together for about three months (seriously) I was so frazzled. Very cute, and everyone is adjusting so well!
Garrett is so adorable! I love little babies. And how cute Gage is towards his new little brother. You sound to be doing amazingly well for just having a baby and a energy-filled 2 year old! Love the pictures!
I am so glad that things are going well, and Ash, Garrett is a completely beautiful little boy! He has an absolute perfect face. I am so happy that you have two sweet little boys that you are loving so much. I think it took me until round three to be totally in love with having a new baby and all that comes with it, but now I just love all of my kids and can totally enjoy them without stress (well minimal anyway). I love you lots! Cute pics!
HOW CUTE! That's great that Gage is taking to him so well! He is adorable!
Oh my gosh Ash...Garrett is GORGEOUS! So is Gage! I really hope I have a boy next! I am so excited for you! You sure don't do a very good job of convincing me to have another though! Talking about how crazy it is! haha! Anyways..I hope all is well. Give me a call when you get a chance! I can't wait to hear from you!
he is so cute! yeah i know about those "moments" of not getting enough attention!!!! garrett totally has your ear!!! i love it!
How fun! It's so fun having two the same age but I can't wait to have another one to see what they'll think of it. But that can wait another 2-3 years. I can't believe he crawled into the crib, that's amazing! And a bit scary too! Glad all is well with you!
I want a boy soo BAD! Maybe you can give me some pointers all I get are girlz! Don't get me wrong I love my girlz!!! I want a boy now,
I gave you a blog award- stop by to pick up!!
Congrats on the new little baby boy. He is so adorable. What a sweet little guy. I'm sure Mr. Gage makes a great older brother! Anyway, I haven't stopped by for a while and just thought that I would say HI!
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