Friday, September 19, 2008


Things seemed to be very low key for Callie today. It was her second day of physical therapy. They sit her up and do a small routine of things. It is very tiring for her.
As you can see, she was worn out . I LOVE this picture. If it weren't for the tube in her nose you would have no idea where she was and what she is going through. She is such a beautiful, sweet and strong baby.
They still think that it is possible that she is awake right now. But as I said before, it is hard to tell because the damage to her optical nerve is still prevalent. Please keep in your prayers for her that this will heal.
My Mom told me that Callie's team of doctors is talking about having her moved from PICU to Pediatric Rehab by Monday or Tuesday! Yay Callie! Our little fighter girl!
I will be going to Phoenix tomorrow morning to visit our tiny patient. I apologize if I fall behind on updates again. It's hit and miss for me to get a signal on the computer down there. But my mom has been posting little bits so you can check hers for updates also.


The Baum Squad said...


Those pictures are so sweet. Callie is an amazing girl. I am amazed at not only her strength but your entire family's. I love your family, your mom is an amazing women. I have always admired her faith and is seems you have not "fallen far from that tree." I would love to help in anyway.....donate to the raffle?, add a kisses for callie button to my blog, ect. Let me know. My email address is We are praying for you all.


Wendy said...

Hey Ash~
How do I put a link on my site for the raffle??? Also did you guys ever get a code for the Kisses for Callie donation button?? I want to do more but am unsure how to get the word out!
Let me know if you have ANY suggestions~
Love ya guys!
Give your Mom a HUGE hug from me when you get down there!

Nelson Family said...

Callie is amazing! Can you believe how beautiful she looks! I am so amazed at her now compared to how we saw her the day of the accident. And I thought she looked good when we saw her last Saturday but she looks even a million times better today! I told your mom the same thing you said. She just looks like she's napping and needs to wake her little buns up! I'm going down on Wednesday and can't wait to see her! Love you Ashley! Aunt Faun