Monday, January 19, 2009

{and that's how you'll know}

That there's a two year old boy in the house.
Could there possibly be anything better than lizards?
Didn't think so.


C said...

Your posts are so cute. Yep, you definately have a two year old boy in your home!

{nicole coombs} said...

Dont you just love it!!

Tiffany said...

Oh..yes our house we have snakes and spiders too!

P.S. have an award for you at my blog.

Ashley said...

haha Love it!

The Blonde Duck said...

Stopping in from SITS! I had a lizard hair barrette in the 6th grade.

Laura @ My Thoughts-Uninterrupted said...

Haha too cute! Came over from SITS!

Toni said...

So this has nothing to do with your posts, which by the way I love all the time, but with the ad for I got their magazine in the mail the other day. It seriously was the most ridiculous and funny thing I have ever seen. There was this girl that was seriously wearing a tree on her head and she looked like she was trying to melt the photographer with her eyes for making her do it! There were better ones than that too! Oh, I can't even explain! Anyway, hope all is well. Did I mention that I LOVE your political views. Beautiful! Later dater! Love ya tons!
P.S.I totally knew who Mr. T was before I even read anything. I think it was the Utah map that gave it away!