Love letters.
I am and I am not a hopeless romantic.
Sometimes I am into the mushy gooshy ands lovey dovey things of life.
Sometimes I am not.
But love letters...
How I LOVE love letters.
It all began in the fall of 2002. The Hubby and I started writing each other letters not long after we met. They started off as just funny letters about our day and things that we enjoyed. Usually ending with "talk to you later. ~Ashley" We weren't much more than friends when it started. {Or so we claimed.}
Eventually our friendship bloomed into something more and so did our letters. They started talking about how we missed each other {since we lived in different towns and he worked and I had school, we didn't see each other often} and how I thought he was the greatest thing since PB &J and how he thought I was the most awesome girl he had ever met. blush. One other change with our letters was that they began coming by way of UPSIDE DOWN STAMP.
Everyone knows that an upside down stamp is a dead giveaway that what you are about to read is going to turn your cheeks a deep red. Right?
On special occasions I received letters with TWO such stamps. These letters could sustain me with two full weeks of imperturbable happiness.
After we got married I made time to slip him the occasional little love note. They would show up here and there. By the front door as he left for work before the sun was even up. Under his pillow at night. Wherever I felt to put it that day.
And now they have altogether disappeared.
I am sure that I could come up with nearly a hundred reasons for why I have allowed this to happen.
But I can think of ONE very good reason why I should pick the habit back up.
And that is because I love him.
Well excuse me please. I have something very important to do today.
Hmmmm, I'll have to google the upside down stamp thing, I think I must have lived in another world:0)haha! I miss our sweet love notes that used to be left on my truck after work or at home too! I'll have to hint to the honey!:)
How cute!! Start it back up!!
I've never heard of the upside down stamp thing. But that's awesome you guys gave eachother love letters. Keep it going forever!
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