Friday, June 5, 2009

i give you...

on two legs....

almost his proudest moment.


sara,mike,rhett,and gage said...

ha ha that's too cute!

Lizzie said...

ohhh what great pictures of that cutie walking! hope you have a great weekend :)

Toni said...

Oh my goodness. I can't believe he is walking. Double trouble for you! Great job on running also. I've been running consitently for a year and a half and I still suck so keep up the good work. Maybe we can motivate eachother enough to train for a half marathon and then run one together! It would be awesome! Leave the kids at home, fly somewhere...Imagine the possibilities.

C said...

Haha! That made my day! He is so yummy! And so huge - he can walk! How exciting :)

Mary said...

Now THAT was adorable! Go Garrett!

Scott and Genevieve said...

So cute! I love the first steps! Now he can get into trouble twice as fast!

Jane In The Jungle said...

That's great!! I love how you shot it!

{nicole coombs} said...

So cute I hate to say this But I cant wait till Kellin is playing and crawling and walking around its going to be so fun with these two boys! Oh and I love the pictures!