Tuesday, August 18, 2009

sweet summer mornings

our schedule (or lack thereof) is about to be rudely interrupted. our lazy mornings of forts and slow breakfasts are almost gone. tomorrow the three-year-old will set off bright and early to take up where he left off three short months ago.
preschool is calling and i am finding myself sad. i have come to love our sweet summer mornings together.


Mary said...

I've been missing summer for 3 weeks now (sob).

Anonymous said...

Makes you really appreciate every moment with them! :)

Toni said...

I can't believe Matt suprised you with Vegas! That is awesome. Tell him you guys can suprise me anyday! Hope you had a great birthday by the way. Love ya lots!

{nicole coombs} said...

ohh sweet summer! Your better then me I have never had a schedual with Cory!