Tuesday, September 8, 2009

the miracle mile

exactly one year ago today i woke up to this beautiful sight and this wish.

it would only be a few hours later that i would receive a phone call from my sister amber letting me know that our baby sister had been backed up over in my parents driveway and had been rushed to the local hospital.

my routine drive to show low that day would take an eternity and the devastation of seeing sweet callie's limp body on that huge hospital bed would be a memory that wont be forgotten.

that day would be the first of many days that callie would not be with us. she was not running around. she was not playing with her sisters. she was healing.

that very difficult time would be the beginning of an incredible lesson on faith and miracles and love.

today i feel so grateful for the blessing of callie's life. she is a miracle and a living testament of the power of prayer and of a merciful and powerful heavenly father.

one year ago today i witnessed a miracle and i've not been the same since.

if you would like to read all about callie's amazing journey you can begin here and move on through by newer posts.

callie also has her own blog which is occasionally updated here.

there will also to be a open house/gathering at my parents home this sunday afternoon to give thanks and recognize the amazing year that we have experienced with callie jayne. you have all been invited here.

thank you so much to everyone who has prayed and cared for callie and our family over this past year. we have been so truly blessed.


1 comment:

Lee said...

Is is so good to hear and see she is doing so well. She is one lucky little girl to have a family with a strong testimony. I will continue to think of her and wish her all the best in the next year.