Monday, October 24, 2011

it's monday

i overslept by thirty minutes this morning. i woke up frantic to get gage out of bed and ready for school. the whole frantic feeling slipped away quickly though as i opened the windows and saw what seemed a scene from the end of days. thick white fog blocking the view of our fence line. barely peeking through was the boys' swing set and trampoline and little blurs of yellowing grass. on the porch our usually happy morning pooch was still snuggled in cozy with her blanket.

that set the mood for the day. gage dressed and ate quickly and we dropped him off at school with plenty of time to spare. i finished packaging my last crochet orders and from there the three-year-old and i have really kept it simple today. he's still sporting his pajamas. i'm sporting an over-sized house dress and messy bun and we just pulled a batch of fresh pumpkin chocolate chip cookies from the oven. they smell divine!

i've been feeling a little less than chipper over the last few days. my body feels full and swollen and ready. i can honestly say that my face has never been so full and my feet never so unrecognizable. my wedding ring is hesitant to even twist on my plump finger. it hasn't come off in months. so even though the fog is gone, the air is still and the sun is shining, i am going to just go ahead and pretend that things haven't changed since this morning. i'm going to ride this foggy day out for all it's worth.

so happy fog filled monday to you!


p.s. have i told you? only two weeks to go!


Suget said...

a nice Autumn day. Yay! 2 more weeks... My cousin had her baby last Thursday. A boy, I held him on Saturday and he was so cute. Now I want a baby to hold everyday hehe

Mandi said...

First of all...cute bangs! I want bangs but I am not quite brave enough. I am a hair tucker and bangs don't go away with a tuck. Second...hurray for two weeks! The end of pregnancy is full misery and I am so glad that in the end up with a beautiful baby girl! I missed out on the name thing from your facebook comment. It's funny that her middle name will be Jane. that is Lizzie's middle name. Feel free to use Elizabeth and they could be major twinners! I love love love thinking of baby names and I can't wait to see what you guys have chosen. Third...cute man next to you in the picture. I just love that little boy and I don't even know him very well. That is sad news to me and I want so much to change that! Wasn't the fog so completely lovely? We woke up to the same fog and it just made me feel happy inside. I do admit that I love the changing weather that comes with Texas. I hope that you are having a wonderful day! Keep us posted about your baby girl! Love you!!!

Nixie Fotos Photography said...

I want a foggy morning and pumpkin cookies can I come to your house!?