Sunday, March 31, 2013

a late one year

Four months ago, our little bug turned one!  The crickets have been chirping around here but I decided I had to share this girl's cuteness!  She is a little ray of sunshine in our family and sassy as can be.  She's got enough 'tude for the entire family but enough sugar for one hundred brownie batches.  I suppose she is everything any parent ever told you about little girls.  She's fun and sweet and wild but completely different from our boys.  Her hair has grown quite a bit since these pictures and her mouth is almost entirely full of teeth.  She still loves her shiny boots and she still wont hold still for a picture.  She is our little queen bee and we love her dearly.

Happy {late} First Birthday Kelsie Jane!!  We love you and can't wait to see all of the awesomeness you have in store for us this year.

xoxo. Mama, Dadda and the 'Duddas'

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