Thursday, December 11, 2008

{good golly miss molly}

So maybe you've noticed that my dear little banner has changed thrice in the last 72 hour period. I blame it entirely on Photo Shop and the marvelous world of digital downloads.

Good gracious.

Do I not already have plenty of ridiculous obsessions?

Yes in fact I do.

So here I sit at approximately one o'clock in the morning, wheels spinning, dreaming up my next creation. But no. I will keep my mitts off. I will finish this post. I will do what any woman with any shred of sanity left in her would do and go to bed.

Good night.



mrs_jpyatt said...

I do the same exact thing all of the time! And yes Photoshop digital scrapbooking is addicting! I always aim to go to bed early then 3 am comes around and Im on a roll! Besides that Gage thinks it's fun to only nap now! lol

everyday mom of one said...

LOL I like this header and yes bed sounds like a great idea!!

Jane In The Jungle said...

Ashley this looks GREAT!!! Isn't it funny how we like to decorate whatever ie: houses, blogs, etc...., LOL!!

Addie Gaylord said...

oh i hear ya on the addiction of the blog. i am not near as good as you are but i love to mess around with the design on my header as well. i hope your still asleep as i type this, that was a late night.

Ashley said...

I know how you feel!

One time I stayed up till 3 am messing with my blog. Ugh.. addicting.

Your header is adorable!

Lilly said...

I think your header looks fantastic. And you do need your sleep but I perfectly understand your obsession. You may have a real eye for design I think - I have never even opened photoshop and wouldnt know where to start.

{leah} said...

peeking in from SITS.... I love teh banner.

Cara said...

I love the banner, it's so cute! I haven't touched my layout in a few months now because I know as soon as I do I'll spend hours on it, like last time, like every time, until I'm satisfied!

{nicole coombs} said...

I am so the same way infact I am thinking about changing it again cause I have a little time to my self right now and I would rather sit here in front of th ecomputer then do something productive!