Monday, August 27, 2012

a first grader and preschool boy

i can hardly believe that both of my boys are now school-boys.  today was the first day of school for these hallsville bobcats.  the four-year-old is dipping his feet into preschool and the six-year-old is a great big first grader!  i am so proud of how they did this morning and i'm excited to hear all about their day.  it was a bittersweet morning for me, but i've got miss k at home with me making sure it doesn't get too terribly quiet.

the sweetest part of our morning was the ride to school.  thanks to insane traffic, it took us nearly twenty minutes to get to gare's school, which is less than a mile away from our home.  as i'm freaking out over how close we were cutting it i hear gage ask "gare, do you remember your teacher's name?"  there was a pause of silence and gage answered for him.  "it's mrs. ross."  

gare chirps, "mrs. ross!"  

"so if anyone says mean things or if you have to go to the bathroom, you have to raise your hand and say mrs. ross."


"gare, you're going to eat breakfast and go to brain gym and do really fun stuff.  and you're going to learn how to write your name.  it's kind of tricky but it will get easier."


it was the most tender little thing for this momma.  they are growing up so fast, but in a beautiful way.  i sure love these two boys of mine!

happy first day of school!!



Lacey said...

What a sweet moment!! I'm excited to hear how their day goes!

Felicia said...

They are too cute! Glad things went well here's hoping our afternoon goes as well as your morning!

Suget said...

Awe! So cute!! Have a great first day guys!!