Wednesday, May 6, 2009

library magic.

wednesday mornings have become a magical time in our home.

remember when i shared with you my dreams of gage loving the library?

well my dreams have come true and he indeed does love his weekly visits. so much that the night before that is about the only thing he wants to talk about. and the morning of, breakfast eating, hair fixing, teeth brushing and car loading all seem to go so smoothly. like magic.

today he is returning The Big Book of Trucks for what he says will be a book about dogs. he will probably come home with a book about robots or trains though because he has told me he was going to get a dog book for the last two weeks. i think it must sound like a good idea until he gets there and sees all his other options.

he is his mother's child after all.


Anonymous said...

That is soooo good he likes books! From a teacher stand point, kids don't read enough now. To many video games and too much TV these days! Keep up the good work Mom! :)

Scott and Genevieve said...

That is so cute. Brooke loves books. She will sit and read for hours at a time. (Well, what she calls, reading backwards.) I still have never taken her to the library! Hopefully some day soon. I know she will love it!

Lee said...
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Lee said...

We just had our week visit yesterday. Wylee likes the way I read Dr. Seuss, so that's where he goes. :)I have to say yesterday was the first time he sat at the table and read a book. Oh and he picked a ABC'S Guide to Book Of Mormon!! I'm a proud Mama. :)

Fullerton Family said...

Aw, cute! Kami is also a big fan of the library, but guess what? NO storytime here! Seriously, no story time in MESA?! Another reason why Lakeside is better!

{nicole coombs} said...

I hope my Little ones share my love for books and not their fathers love for the TV...